Bland Diet Foods to Eat and Avoid
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Bland Diet Foods to Eat and Avoid

Part 1 Understanding the Bland Diet

What is a Bland Diet?

A bland diet consists of foods that are soft, low in fiber, and easy to digest. These foods are typically mild in flavor and low in fat, spices, and acidity to minimize irritation to the digestive system.

When is a Bland Diet Recommended?

A bland diet may be recommended for individuals experiencing various digestive issues, including:


Acid reflux

Gastrointestinal infections (such as gastroenteritis or food poisoning)

Peptic ulcer disease

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) flare-ups

Goals of a Bland Diet

The primary goals of a bland diet are to:

Reduce stomach irritation: Avoiding spicy, acidic, or fatty foods can help soothe inflammation and irritation in the digestive tract.

Minimize digestive symptoms: Bland foods are easier to digest and less likely to trigger symptoms such as heartburn, nausea, bloating, or diarrhea.

Promote healing: By providing gentle, easily digestible foods, a bland diet can support the healing process in the digestive system.

Part 2 Foods to Eat on a Bland Diet

Starchy Foods

White rice

Plain pasta

Boiled or mashed potatoes

Plain crackers or dry toast

Lean Protein

Skinless chicken or turkey

Baked or broiled fish (such as cod or tilapia)

Tofu or tempeh

Eggs (boiled or scrambled)

Cooked Vegetables


Green beans


Sweet potatoes (without skin)

Low-Acid Fruits



Honeydew melon

Canned peaches (in water or natural juice)

Dairy and Dairy Alternatives:

Low-fat or non-fat yogurt

Skim milk

Almond milk

Cottage cheese



Herbal tea (such as chamomile or peppermint)

Decaffeinated coffee or tea

Clear broth or bouillon

Part 3 Foods to Avoid on a Bland Diet

Spicy Foods

Hot peppers

Spicy sauces (such as hot sauce or salsa)

Curry dishes

Acidic Foods

Citrus fruits (such as oranges, lemons, or grapefruits)

Tomatoes and tomato-based products


High-Fat Foods

Fried foods

Fatty cuts of meat

Creamy sauces or dressings

Butter or margarine

Dairy Products

Full-fat cheese

Whole milk

Ice cream

Sour cream

Fibrous Foods

Raw vegetables

Whole grains

Nuts and seeds

Tough or fibrous meats

Caffeinated Beverages


Black tea

Energy drinks


Part 4 Meal Planning Tips for a Bland Diet

Start with small, frequent meals

Eating smaller portions more frequently can help prevent overloading the digestive system and minimize symptoms.

Keep it simple

Stick to basic, easy-to-digest foods and avoid complex or heavily seasoned dishes.

Cook foods thoroughly

Opt for cooking methods like boiling, steaming, or baking to make foods easier to digest.

Incorporate variety

Despite the limitations of a bland diet, try to include a variety of foods from different food groups to ensure adequate nutrition.

Stay hydrated

Drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated and support digestion.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

Can I season bland diet foods with salt?

Yes, small amounts of salt can be used to season bland diet foods for flavor. However, it’s best to avoid adding excessive amounts of salt, as it can contribute to fluid retention and high blood pressure.

Can I eat bread on a bland diet?

Yes, plain bread such as dry toast or plain crackers can be included in a bland diet. However, it’s best to avoid bread with high-fat or spicy toppings.

Are there any beverages I should avoid on a bland diet?

Yes, it’s best to avoid caffeinated beverages such as coffee, black tea, and soda, as they can irritate the stomach lining and worsen digestive symptoms.

Can I eat desserts on a bland diet?

In moderation, you can enjoy desserts that are low in fat and acidity, such as plain gelatin, vanilla pudding, or angel food cake. However, it’s best to avoid rich, creamy desserts and those with spicy or acidic ingredients.

How long should I follow a bland diet?

The duration of a bland diet depends on individual circumstances and the underlying digestive issue. It’s best to follow your healthcare provider’s recommendations for how long to adhere to a bland diet.

Can I reintroduce foods after following a bland diet?

Once digestive symptoms have improved, you can gradually reintroduce foods that were restricted on the bland diet, paying attention to how your body responds. It’s best to reintroduce one food at a time and monitor for any adverse reactions.

Is a bland diet suitable for everyone?

While a bland diet can be beneficial for individuals with certain digestive issues, it may not be necessary or appropriate for everyone. It’s essential to consult with a healthcare provider or registered dietitian before starting a bland diet to ensure it’s suitable for your individual needs and health condition.


A bland diet can be a helpful tool for managing digestive issues and promoting digestive health. By focusing on gentle, easy-to-digest foods and avoiding irritants like spices, acidity, and high-fat foods, you can soothe inflammation, reduce symptoms, and support healing in the digestive system. With careful meal planning and attention to individual dietary needs, you can navigate a bland diet successfully and enjoy improved digestive wellness. Remember to consult with a healthcare provider or registered dietitian for personalized guidance and recommendations tailored to your specific health condition and dietary preferences.